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Charting the Course: Insights into the Future of Welsh Manufacturing:
Exploring Challenges, Consensus, and Pathways to Progress

In 2023, the Federation of Small Businesses in Wales (FSB) embarked on throwing a sharper focus on the manufacturing sector. This resulted in their comprehensive report titled Manufacturing Momentum. This document reviewed the evolving landscape confronting the Welsh Manufacturing sector, offering a roadmap for adaptation and growth. In response, Manufacturing Wales, the authoritative voice of the industry, asked its members to scrutinise the report's recommendations. What emerged was a range of insights, underscoring both the challenges and opportunities shaping the future of Welsh manufacturing.

Key Insights:

  • Navigating Short-Term Pressures vs. Long-Term Vision:

What came to light was that there are divergent strategies among manufacturers, with 55% prioritising long-term investment vision while 33% were grappling with immediate pressures, the rest were prioritising both equally. This dichotomy underscores the delicate balance between reactive tactics and proactive foresight, which was particularly felt amongst smaller manufacturers, who faced greater resource constraints.

  • Infrastructure Needs and Innovations:

The prospect of a searchable property database elicited a mixed response, reflecting the industry's varied needs and priorities. However, overwhelming support (88%) was voiced for short-term tax reliefs to facilitate transitions towards net-zero emissions, highlighting a collective commitment to sustainability amidst financial realities.

  • Energy Supply and Efficiency Imperatives:

Despite divided opinions on current energy supply adequacy, unanimous consent was reached (100%) on the necessity of retro-fitting initiatives to enhance energy efficiency. The clear ask from industry to government is for support of practical interventions, including low-cost loans.  This underscores a shared commitment in the sector to reducing carbon footprints.

  • Fostering Supply Chain Resilience:

Manufacturers echoed a resounding call (100%) for the establishment of a Welsh-based supply chain hub, recognising its potential to bolster resilience and foster collaboration. The proposition of a searchable supplier database had unanimous support, underscoring the sector's appetite for localised partnerships and streamlined procurement processes, and supporting local suppliers where possible.

  • Collaborating with Academia for Skills Enhancement:

A unanimous desire (100%) to collaborate more closely with academia reflected the sector's recognition of the pivotal role that education plays in nurturing the skills and expertise essential for industry advancement. Insights gleaned underscore the critical need for tailored educational provisions aligned with industry demands. This is aty the heart of manufacturing Wales collaboration with its academic members

  • Government Support and Policy Interventions:

Manufacturers voiced overwhelming support (100%) for government-led initiatives to enable "on-shoring" or "re-shoring" of manufacturing processes, citing the need for financial support, training hubs, and a robust Welsh supply chain. This underscores the sector's reliance on supportive policy frameworks to navigate global challenges, and is the reason why engaging with policy makers in government is vital to ensure they understand the current and future needs of the sector.

Conclusion:  The findings from Manufacturing Wales' survey paint a vivid portrait of an industry at the cusp of transformation. From sustainability imperatives to infrastructure revitalisation, Welsh manufacturers stand poised to embrace change and drive innovation. As the sector navigates an increasingly complex economic landscape, collaboration, and strategic partnerships emerge as linchpins of success.

Manufacturing Wales:  At the heart of this transformation lies Manufacturing Wales, a beacon of support and advocacy for Welsh manufacturers. Through its peer-to-peer network, strategic alliances, and advocacy efforts, Manufacturing Wales empowers manufacturers to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. By amplifying member voices and fostering collaboration across sectors, Manufacturing Wales charts a course towards sustainable economic growth and prosperity.

Contact Information:  For further engagement and collaboration opportunities, please contact Join us as we shape the future of Welsh manufacturing and drive positive change.