Manufacturer Membership
A NEW Platform for Manufacturers Across Wales
Manufacturing Wales members will establish a collaborative approach to building partnerships, recognising that the future of the sector rests with those leaders that have a shared common purpose.
- Be actively involved in manufacturing, or a closely related field
- Endorse and promote the values and principles of Manufacturing Wales
- Represent a Welsh based company.
- Actively participate in activities of Manufacturing Wales
- Contribute toward the group’s activities. This can include technical expertise, staff time and networking
- Share knowledge and information with other members, including case studies, lessons learned, policy approaches, talent, skills and other data that will help develop and promote manufacturing in Wales.
The British Rototherm Group is proud to be part of Manufacturing Wales. The access to learning programmes and resources is second to none. We have shared best practise and gained incredible insight that has supported the growth of our own business.This is a community that provides an invaluable opportunity to tap into the experience of others prominent manufacturing leaders, in an environment that wants to support your business to thrive.
Affiliate Membership
Manufacturing Wales facilitates Welsh manufacturing firms and academia to connect, share ideas, problem solve issues and create new ventures together – through local and regional meetings, groups, events and advisory boards.
We want to ensure the Wales Manufacturing community performs and grows now and in the future.
- Be actively involved in manufacturing, or a closely related field
- Endorse and promote the values and principles of Manufacturing Wales
- Represent a Welsh based academic institute
- Actively participate in activities of Manufacturing Wales
- Contribute toward the group’s activities. This can include technical expertise, staff time and networking
- Share knowledge and information with other members, including case studies, lessons learned, policy approaches, talent, skills and other data that will help develop and promote manufacturing in Wales