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The First Parcel Locker System with Secured by Design IASME Cyber Assurance Level 2 is Announced

UK market leaders, manufacturers and suppliers to the built environment, The Safety Letterbox Company, part of the RENZ Group, operates with an eye firmly on compliance and standards at all times. Offering the market future proofed, robust and specification driven mail and parcel solutions.

With over 180 models of mailboxes and parcelboxes in their range created over the last 4 decades, SLB have invested once again in the compliant future of safe and secure parcel delivery.

Not only do they offer 2-hour fire rated mailbox and intelligent parcel systems, but they have now also successfully achieved IASME level 2 Cyber assurance, a robust and deep interrogation of the software and IOT associated with their systems.

This important milestone achievement further demonstrates their total intent, ethos and philosophy of quality and producing the best solution for their customers and end users of their product, providing peace of mind to all.

The ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute) EN 303 645 COMPLIANCE FOR IOT PRODUCTS norm is designed to provide an efficient, baseline assessment methodology for the evaluation of IoT products and solutions.

Jason Blake, IOT Security Certification Manager explains,

‘IASME Cyber Assurance Level 2 Audited standard is IASME’s highest level of certification. It offers organisations a legitimate way to prove their compliance with a comprehensive and 3rd party audited standard to 13 points and is aligned to the Government’s Ten Steps to Cyber Security and covers the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and privacy requirements’.

Alison Orrells, SLB CEO & Managing Director states,

‘IASME Cyber Assurance Level 2 involved an audit of our processes, procedures, and controls by an IASME Certification Body and Assessor as required by the standard. We completed the IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1 certification before progressing on to the Level 2 audit, which was a thorough interrogation into the software and process of myRENZbox. We are delighted to announce that we are the first parcel locker company to achieve this standard, and in fact the first Welsh manufacturer of any product to achieve IASME Level 2. Our product myRENZbox, is now certified to be Cyber Assurance Secured by Design, and as an existing member we look forward to proudly displaying the logo to offer the ultimate reassurance to its users that the software is highly robust and assessed. I am incredibly proud of our achievements by our team in this area. We always strive to do the right thing for our market and have produced many ‘world firsts’ over our history. Once again, this clearly demonstrates our absolute mission to ensure the market is operating safely and educated about compliance, buys responsibly and gives credit to fire, safety and security alongside design, price and functionality’.

myRENZbox provides the ultimate 24/7 traceable parcel system, taking the strain away from operators and ensuring residents have traceability and efficiency with minimal human interaction. It ensures that parcels are stored in a 2-hour fire rated and Secured By Design Cyber Assured system.

myRENZbox can also be used for workspace, click & collect, universities and colleges, retail parks, airports, construction sites and more. Offering secure and traceable storage and distribution wherever and whenever required.

For more information about myRENZbox parcel systems call their UK team on 01639 633525 or email